Sunday, February 1, 2015

Meagan Good Feels "Enlightened And Inspired" By Grace Jones

Meagan Good has recently revealed to her fans how much a God-centered discussion with Grace Jones influenced her.  

Good, 33, met by chance Jones, 66, whom she is a fan of. 

Jones gave the young actress precious spiritual insight.

Meagan took to social media to share their conversation, along with a picture of the two. 

According to Good, Jones had a similar conversation with the King Of Pop, Michael Jackson, but appeared to want to not give him as many details as she did the younger entertainer.

""We make mistakes along the way…we're not perfect and we never will be, but when you have a "real" relationship with God that is so solid and you "know" Him…you have a relationship with Him versus a "religion ideal."" the "Deception" star quoted Jones as saying, adding: ""Even in our mistakes and shortcomings - no matter what anybody says - we can always be confident in what "we know" - that we know - that we know in our heart.""

Meagan admitted that their conversation made her both smile and cry because she knew the answers the Jamaican singer, model and actress was giving her. She also admitted to feeling inspired and enlightened because of Jones' life experience and godly knowledge.

The actress considers Jones "…so fearless about what anyone had to say…and so transparent about the mistakes made - but so absolutely, positively confident of her love for God and how much He absolutely loved her…And I felt…even kindred - for this generation In a way ( in a non-shock value but genuine way)…"

Good ended the post on her Instagram account expressing her gratitude for the experience while sharing her valuable conversation.

"Thankful for the revelation upon this new year - it was unpredictable and undeniable…inspirational, clarifying and most of all…Freeing…," Good shared, noting: "I've decided : I will not be the person held down by so much like in the years before...I will be free #Soar #GraceJones."

In case you don't know, Jones is the sister of Los Angeles based preacher Bishop Noel Jones who is featured on "Preachers of L.A."

For the new year, Good initially revealed some things she is trying to do.

"…I have learned that there is a balance…and in this new season of my life there is a purge…What I allowed in 2014 - the people who treated me like it was my "responsibility" to support their life and desires in every way, I will not allow in 2015…," Good wrote on Instagram before the new year, adding: "I don't have to be the biggest saint of them all all…All I have to do is be obedient…and hear from the Father & respond accordingly…"

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