Monday, February 23, 2015

Oscar Winner Graham Moore: "I'm Not Gay"

Graham Moore delivered one of the most emotional acceptance speeches after the 2015 Academy Awards last night. He then explained that he is not gay.  

"I'm not gay, but I've never talked publicly about depression before or any of that and that was so much of what the movie was about and it was one of the things that drew me to Alan Turing so much," Moore, 34, told BuzzFeed, noting: "I think we all feel like weirdos for different reasons. Alan had his share of them and I had my own and that's what always moved me so much about his story."

As for the speech, the Oscar winner had it loosely planned out.

"I am incredibly superstitious, so I had it loosely in my head. It's the kind of thing that I've imagined since I was a teenager. It was weird to get on the stage and say the things that I've been imagining in the shower and in front of mirrors. I think everyone practices their Oscars acceptance speech with a shampoo bottle and I've done my fair share of them. It's really surreal to be able to do it in real life," Moore revealed.

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