Monday, February 23, 2015

John Travolta Blames Adele Dazeem On Goldie Hawn (FUNNY VIDEO)

John Travolta visited "Jimmy Kimmel Live" on Sunday night, where he explained why he called Idina Menzel the made up name of Adele Dazeem during last year's Academy Awards.

"The truth is I was expected backstage, and it was getting very close to the time I was supposed to go on, and suddenly a page - an assistant - grabbed me and said: "You're on in a minute and 15 seconds," Travolta, 61, claimed, noting: "Later, I found out that my real page was stuck in an elevator, and the backup page (was) in a rush to get me, but as I run backstage I run into Goldie Hawn. Now Goldie Hawn is charismatic, beautiful, sexy, got the amazing thing (points to lips), and I was star struck. I'm star struck hugging and loving her up, forgetting that I have to go and do this bit…"

The former "Grease" star then said that he was told Menzel's name would be spelled phonetically on the prompter.

"I said: "Hmmm?" In my mind, I'm going: "What? What is that name? I don't know that name!" and it was phonetic spelling, but I didn't rehearse it that way," the actor revealed.

Check out the funny video below…


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