Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Lolo Jones Quotes

1. In my 25 years of coaching in Massachusetts, Alex Niemiec has been one of the best track athletes I have ever seen…There is nothing he cannot do in the sport of track and field, and I have observed him on many occasions helping other athletes and displaying great sportsmanship with his competitors…  

2. When I'm standing in a stadium packed with 80,000 screaming fans, I can't just whip out my Bible before I run. That's when I start praying! It's so loud that I can't even hear what I'm saying, but it always helps.

3. The vine of the paycheck is just showing the difference between track and bobsled, and to be honest bobsledders work more hours than track...The bottom line is that all Olympic athletes dedicate their lives to their sports and do not receive lucrative paychecks like athletes in mainstream professional sports. So hopefully this will make people appreciate just how hard Olympians work, often just for the love of the sport.

4. If I knew a secret on how to make a tweet or a Facebook post that would please everybody, I'd be a millionaire.

5. It's a new sport for me and there's a ton of room for improvement…I'm coming in here trying to learn everything quickly. I'm looking forward to fixing some things and hammering it out.

6. I'm still living in the Olympic Training Center. I'm 33 years old and still living in a dorm because that's the only thing I can afford… After 16 years in the sport, I don't have a dime toward retirement...

7. I'm more powerful now, I have a new powerclean max, a new deep-squat max, because I've trained with the bobsled team now and I've gotten a lot stronger…It's going to be harder to get rid of muscle and we don't want to get rid of muscle. I don't know if I'll get down as slim as the 133, but I definitely think I'll be stronger.

8. Sometimes bad things are going to happen in your life, and those things can make you stronger if you just learn how to get over them.

9. I definitely would say, by sixth grade, I was a professional shoplifter - and not because I wanted to. I'm not going out to shoplift earrings or clothes or shoes like the average teenager. I was shoplifting frozen dinners at a grocery store.

10. I work six days a week every day for four years for a 12-second race, and the fact that they just tore me apart, it was just heartbreaking.

11. I don't want to make anyone mad, and I've always wanted to help out the bobsled athletes. Some of them have debt because they've given their life to the sport.

12. Being able to eat ice cream and chocolate and pizza and being encouraged to put on weight was, I don't know, like nothing I experienced in my life…Having somebody tell you that you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want, it was a really refreshing thing for me. Mentally, it was good for me. It's not like I'm not eating in track. It's just different. It's very healthy, the same things and it gets mundane. Chicken and veggies every day.

13. It's just a gift I want to give my husband. But please understand this journey has been hard. There are virgins out there and I want to let them know that it's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life.

14. You have to take the pros with the cons. I do that with everything in life…The pros are I can get subjects that aren't talked about out there. The cons are it may hit high publicity traffic areas and I'm like: "Oh, my gosh, I'm trying to prepare for U.S. championships. I'm just trying to make you laugh."

15. I didn't have a big-time contract out of college like most athletes. In fact I had no contract at all.

16. Maybe there's a little girl who thinks she can be an Olympic athlete, and she sees all the things I struggled through to get here. Yeah, I didn't walk away with a medal or run away with a medal, but I think there's lessons to be learned when you win and lessons to be learned when you lose.

17. The Olympics are only once every four years, so you have to take advantage of all your opportunities, both to be an inspiration to people and help support your sponsors who help you.

18. I'm inspired by failure. The process of defeat - picking yourself back up again is the hardest thing in the world.

19. Greatness finds us by obstacles in front of us. I don't look at hurdles as obstacles blocking my path but opportunities to overcome.

20. I guess all the people who were talking about me, they can have their night and laugh about me…I'm really disappointed in myself, and I felt like I let a lot of people down. I just feel like a big disappointment.

21. Putting your heart out there, obviously, it opens you up to a lot of negativity.

22. I'm feeling really strong right now, like Hercules strong…Not any other female hurdler really does it, so I'm excited to use that new technique here.

23. If a female is good-looking, it totally decreases her credibility. Now she's not a good athlete - she's only good in these track meets because she's good-looking.

24. Running was like the friend that never left. It was just always there.

25. I listen to a lot of Christian music, and reading my Bible calms me down immensely.

26. Speaking out is the first step to change. That is how Track and field changed our sport. We demanded improvements.

27. I am training at such a high level that I actually could eat anything and get by. But as my coach always says, your body is like a car, and food is like your fuel. I am a race car, so I can't just put unleaded fuel in my car. I need that good premium fuel.

28. There's definitely a whole double standard. I don't understand it. A guy can be sexy and good-looking, and it totally just enhances his credibility as an athlete.

29. The workouts were different than anything I was accustomed to in track…The days were longer. But it worked.

What do you think of Lolo Jones' quotes?

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