Thursday, January 22, 2015

Taylor Schilling Quotes

1. You can't care that much about what people think. Everyone is going to have an opinion. What I can do is do my best and hope the majority like what I do. I do hope nurses can see some sort of reflection in this role and I hope it's entertaining. It's just TV, I'm not really saving lives.

2. I didn't spend a lot of time with prison guards, but my father was an assistant district attorney for a long time so I was always hearing stories about prisoners and prison guards.

3. I want to be respectful toward the women I'm representing.

4. Whatever lipgloss happens to be in my purse is my favorite!

5. I don't do detoxes or cleanses; they don't really work for me.

6. I have learned to take the part of me that is very fearful and work on that. There is space for that in my life. I have learned to give myself a bit more freedom between "action" and "cut." I come by all that fear honestly, like most humans have. I can't bring it with me to work, so in that way, the work feels quite liberating.

7. I actually like pole dancing! It gives you so much confidence. I never thought I'd do it, but now I'm really into it.

8. I've been corresponding with a few women who are actively deployed in Iraq, and that's been incredibly eye-opening. It's such a different perspective on our country, to be around people who risk their lives for us literally every day.

9. Be yourself. You're okay. And it really doesn't matter what other people think.

10. I don't have a connection to the fashion world at all.

11. This is one of those things I've always loved and always wanted to do. It's such an interesting way to explore myself and explore human beings. I'm endlessly curious about what makes other people tick, what makes me tick, and to get that work is a dream.

12. I don't know my armpit from my elbow in Los Angeles.

13. I know what feels good to eat and what doesn't. I try to err on the side of choices I know will leave me feeling more energized and ready to go, because it's always better to feel healthy.

14. I like to do yoga, Pilates, dance, and things like that.

15. I suspect on some level, everyone has experienced a life changing event that has left them feeling like a fish out of water back home. Veronica is trying to navigate through that feeling in her relationships, at work, with her family and friends...everywhere. She makes mistakes. She's flawed and she's raw. I appreciate her vulnerability and ferocity, her compassion and desire to do the right thing.

16. I love children. I just don't know if I'm ready to have kids. I feel like I have more time. Kids are cute, you know? They need a lot of help - that's the thing.

17. Coffee makes me go crazy.

18. I started doing yoga in college, so that has just become a staple of a self-care routine for my mind and my body. My body craves it at this point, so I do it two to three times a week, sometimes more. I practice Vinyasa style yoga and sometimes mix it up.

19. I love Ben Affleck so much. He's an amazing director.

20. I'm a tall woman. At work, that means a lot of my co-stars have to stand next to me on apple crates. But apparently, my height bodes well in the fashion world.

21. I tried to hostess... but they fired me after four days because I couldn't figure out how seating plans worked.

22. In school, I was playing old men and women, babies, Russian people, and all sorts of weird parts - a lot of comedy - and that's sort of like home to me.

23. If it's a good day, I get "The New York Times" on my iPad, and if I have a little time in the morning, I like to look at that while I'm eating.

24. On a film set, for me, there's so much more time to process what's going on than there is on a television set. There's more wiggle room to try things and fail and try again and get to the heart of what's going on in the scene, which is really fun for me. It's what I like to do.

25. I keep my hair beautiful. I use a lot of framesi products on my hair. My colorist introduced me. I don't know how they do it, but they keep my fine hair pretty healthy.

26. I'd love to do theater. I've done so many plays in my life. I still think of that as my main thing.

27. I was a huge ER addict. And recently, when I can't sleep, I've been watching MASH. I don't know if that counts as a hospital show, but it's impressive that they pull off that fine line of treating the serious things you deal with on a daily basis with levity.

28. When I first met Zac, we got along from the very first moment I auditioned for the movie with him. I think that that sort of experience of working together and feeling really comfortable on set ended up carrying through working together. It was just fun. Our characters didn't really come together I guess until more midway through the film. But during that entire time of shooting, we were developing a friendship.

29. I have wanted to be an actor for as long as I can remember...I studied acting in undergraduate and graduate school in NYC. Was only a year ago but seems like forever!

30. There's nothing that's in an actor's control. I've learned at this point you do things and you let them go. There's no way to control the outcome. The only thing I have any sort of reign over is my own experience.

31. I'm not very cool. I have a really hard time meeting people and stuff.

32. Massages are my favorite. Sometimes just getting myself outside for a walk if I'm really busy can be an indulgence. I love taking naps. I love to stay up too late with close friends. I believe in everything in moderation. I take what I like and leave what I don't.

33. I do believe that sometimes you get a gut instinct on someone, a read. I don't know, I haven't experienced that in my lifetime. I totally think that there are those people that you, its less intellectual, and you sort of know. Even if its that whisper of a voice when you meet someone and you're like I'm going to know them more, and then you wind up together or something. I don't think that's a fantasy, I think that's real.

34. I try to come at fitness and nutrition from a perspective of gentleness and what will make me feel good afterwards. I try to stay out of the mindset of needing to fix myself. I do whatever seems fun to me.

35. I am very interested in Ayurvedic medicine and hope to explore it more someday. I only have a very superficial understanding of the whole thing right now. But learning what my body type is has shifted my whole self-care regime a bit, and I feel better because of it.

36. Honestly, all the sweets and bad stuff on set don't really call to me because I'm working so much. I've trained myself to stay away from sugar.

37. I definitely felt by the time I got to grad school - which was a great experience - I was like: "What's the difference between the teachers and the students? Why are the teachers teachers if they want to be acting?" It didn't make sense to me anymore. It's not like you learn how to set a broken bone and you get the stamp of approval.

38. "The Notebook" is one of my favorite love stories.

39. So often, we're expected to maintain some sort of standard - that won't get you where you need to go. One of the most daring things I've done is drop out of graduate school. I had no job, but something inside me was saying: "Go! Be in the world!" I had to listen to myself, and it worked out. I still think: "Who was that girl?"

40. As an actor, what I'm finding is that I really like the extremes. I think that's really fun to play with.

41. I can't wait til I can get a dog. I have to be in one place though for longer before I can get a dog.

42. I had a teacher in college who drastically changed the course of my life by telling me that he believed in me as an actor. I never received that support before, and it inspired to me to such a degree that I never looked back. He taught me that it's okay to be crappy; it's okay to fight; it's okay to go to any length.

43. Whatever it is that I am working on is what I become obsessed with.

44. Life is so much easier when I allow myself to be myself and go with the flow. Whatever that looks like on a given day. If I can get quiet enough to truly check-in with myself, I usually end up on the right track.

45. I'm really into Greek yogurt, fruit and almonds. Those are my "go-to" snacks.

46. I try not to eat too many raw vegetables. I only have one raw meal a day. At night I eat warm, cooked foods. I like to drink lots of tea, but no coffee. Not drinking coffee has changed my game for the better.

47. For me as an actor, daring is to tell the truth - to be yourself, no matter how the world interacts with that.

48. My guilty pleasure is I like to watch a lot of HGTV. I really like watching design shows about houses, like extreme homes. Like buying a bridge and turning it into a house or something like that. I really am interested in home design or something like that...architecture.

49. I'm the girl who will show up in jeans no matter what - but the jeans can get fancier and fancier.

50. I don't like it when people don't hold the door. I don't know, that really bugs me... I guess I like manners.

51. I wanted to wear a uniform when I was in high school, but I couldn't. I was like: "It would be so much easier!"

52. I think the idea of falling in love, I mean, that never gets old for me. I think that it's fascinating in one's personal life. And it's such an enduring and universal concept because, I mean, who knows how to really integrate someone else fully into their life? I'm always fascinated by that balance and who that person is, and even in my own life that balance. And it's always so inspiring, and yet you never stop thinking if that person is there, that somehow you can make it work, either if its something that you're in right now or that you'll find that person out there...And that fantasy that someone will come along and unlock all of the doors that are locked inside of you, and that will kind of solve a lot of the issues, solve your problems. I like that fantasy. And I think that's another reason why the stories of Nicholas Sparks are so popular, because thats just so deeply ingrained, at least in my psyche, and (for) a lot of people. I just find that inspiring, you know, that that does happen, that you can open yourself up and be caught and be loved and cared for.

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