Saturday, January 31, 2015

Molly Sims Reveals Supermodel Secrets, Including Botox Injections

Molly Sims is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful supermodels out there, but she reveals in her brand new book "The Everyday Supermodel" that she doesn't just wake up looking gorgeous. 

Sims, 41, wasn't even born apparently perfect. Instead, she shares all the hard work and secrets a supermodel follows, from demanding workouts to botox injections.

According to the star, her great image doesn't come easy. In her own words she "has been potioned, lotioned, plucked, prodded, bleached, bronzed, waxed, makeuped, extensioned, curled, blow-dried, and straightened into an entirely new human form."

From laser treatments to botox, Sims has several tricks she has tried on her quest for perfection, many of which she reveals to writer Sara Bliss for Yahoo.

Molly is confessing her beauty tips because "I just don't want women to think something is attainable that's not. If I say: "I eat M&Ms all day long. I don't work out. I'm just born naturally like this." That's just not true! I always say, there's a chubby person inside of me waiting for me to get lazy."

The beauty explains that while her profession may appear glamorous, it basically involves numerous negative comments and criticism about her looks, from a crooked nose to the wrong sized calves and being too heavy in the hips.

In her desire to always be flawless, Molly claims she has tried just about every possible operation. She also notes that the ones that really work are lightening creams and professional peels.

"For hyperpigmentation, lightening creams really work. But if you go into the sun, you have to wear a hat and sunscreen. I'm doing this vegan Dennis Gross peel. Any salicylic acid and glycolic acid peels are great. The one thing that I worry about with women is the craze over microdermabrasion. Don't do too much. Less is more. Don't start too early."

Sims says that she likes the results of small botox injections, but has now stopped using them because she is pregnant.

"It all depends on when your issues are. Like, for me, I knew that my main issue was the really deep angry line in the middle of my forehead. So I started in my early thirties. I can't now because I'm pregnant, but I've done partial botox. I only do it between where my forehead lines are. Some people have to start with sunscreen when they're 15. For me, I'm all about preventative. I always tell women, you don't want someone to look at you and think you've done anything, ever."

In the past Sims has revealed that she is not against plastic surgery, but doesn't feel that it works out for her. For now she is sticking with non-invasive treatments, such as lasers to burn off capillaries and chemical peels to reduce fine lines along with the occasional botox injection to stay away from the deeper lines in her forehead.

When she's not pregnant, Sims states she exercises 6 days a week, changing her routine and makes certain to be cautious of what and how much she eats.

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