Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Meghan Trainor Confirms Duet With Harry Styles

Meghan Trainor recently opened up about her rumored duet with Harry Styles.  

"It's real! It's a duet. It's a beautiful song we wrote together on my ukulele," Trainor, 21, revealed to The Sun, noting: "We even recorded a rough demo together with our vocals together. It's a cute acoustic love thing. It's one of the first cool things I got to do with a pop star."

Meghan went on: "A friend of mine said Harry was a fan and said he would love to write with me. He's an incredible writer, too. I was worried he'd just be a 20-year-old boy. So I walked in with a prepared verse and chorus. But he gave me very poetic, mature lyrics. I was like: "Well, damn, Harry, you know what love is.""

As for rumors that they may be dating, Trainor was quoted as saying: "No, definitely not - we're good friends. But I adore all the One Direction boys. Every time I meet them I'm like: "Hi, you're all perfect." But they're One Direction. And I'm just a girl from Massachusetts. Plus, I can't date another pop star. They're all too busy."

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