Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Iggy Azalea Hopes She Can Be Gyrating In A Leotard At 35

Iggy Azalea has recently revealed that she would be happy if she can be gyrating in a leotard at 35!

In a new interview with GQ, Azalea, 24, stated: "If I have a very long career and can be gyrating in a leotard at 35, that would be great."

Iggy explained: "You never know how long you'll be in people's good graces, especially in this business. So I hope (my career is) long - but I could be here for three or four years and then be out, like most artists. So it depends. I might be here for a long time. At the very worst, if I have a short-lived career, at least I could say I sparked a change - that I inspired some leniency in what people accept in hip-hop."

The female rapper pointed out that "awards season helps" her deal with the haters. "Anytime where people get to choose who they want to have a voice and they choose me, I just think that makes it worth it. And that gives me the patience to just bite my tongue."

Azalea was quoted as saying: "When people choose me as the person they think should be speaking for them, I think, Well, I don't really care what someone in the industry or another artist has to say about it. Your opinion is biased anyway, because you want people to listen to your voice. So having actual people who choose me, it makes me think, I have a place, and I don't care what other people have to say about it."

As for what she makes her feel good these days, Iggy replied: "I think probably waking up every day in my beautiful house - the new house with my boyfriend (Nick Young), the month or two that we've been in it. I'm just getting to that point now, with the home, where we're getting all the furniture, and it's been really exciting to feel like I'm home."

Azalea added: "And when I'm walking down the hallway and I see all this great stuff in such a nice house, it's hard to think you have it tough. You have to be thankful for that! So I'm happy. That definitely reminds me every day that you should enjoy this sh*t."

For the full interview of Iggy Azalea, check out GQ.

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